Web Site Terms of Use


These terms and conditions apply to the web site located at www.maximillianformen.com and www.maximillianformen.com (the “Web Site”) and the design and content featured on this Web Site including text, materials, clothing and other product designs, product information, graphics, artwork, images, so-called “look and feel”, photography, audio and video clips or content, employment opportunities, software, data and other information on this Web Site as may be updated from time to time (the “Content”). By accessing and using this Web Site and the Content, you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions. These terms and conditions may change from time to time without prior notice to you, and you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions which are in effect each time you access this Web Site and/or the Content. If you do not agree with these terms and conditions, do not access or use the Web Site or the Content.

Consent and Restrictions

Please note that your use of this Web Site and/or the Content constitutes your unconditional agreement to follow and be bound by these terms and conditions. Although you may “bookmark” a particular portion of this Web Site and thereby bypass this Agreement, your use of this Web Site still binds you to the terms of the Agreement. We reserve the right, at any time, to modify, suspend or discontinue our Web Site and/or any Content without notice to you.

Web Site Content Ownership and Permitted Use

The Web Site and Content and all intellectual property rights in the Web Site and Content are owned by Maximillian For Men Inc. or its affiliates (“Maximillian For Men, “we” or “us”) or others who have permitted us to display content owned by them. You may view the Content and print or save one copy of any portion of the Content for personal, non-commercial use provided that you do not modify the Web Site, the Content, or any copyright or other proprietary notices on any Content. Notwithstanding the foregoing, music may not be copied except only as necessary to access the Web Site. You may not reproduce (except as noted above), publish, transmit, distribute, display, modify, create derivative works from, sell or participate in any sale of or exploit in any way, in whole or in part, any part of the Web Site or the Content. The Content is protected by law, including, but not limited to, Canadian copyright law and international treaties, trade-marks, trade dress and/or other proprietary rights. Except for the limited rights granted above, all other rights are reserved. The Content is for information purposes only, and should not be relied upon as accurate, timely or fit for any particular purpose. Any pricing set out on the Web Site or in the Content is for informational purposes only and is not an offer open for acceptance by you.

Links to Third Party Web Sites

We do not endorse or guarantee the accuracy of content, information or materials contained in any third party’s web site whose link appears in the Web Site. These links are provided for convenience only, and you access the links at your own risk and by accessing them you leave our Web Site and our terms and policies no longer govern. Maximillian For Men is not liable for such third party web sites or their contents nor does Maximillian For Men have any control or power over such third party web sites.


“MAXIMILLIAN FOR MEN,” and any other trade-marks, trade names, logos, slogans and images are trade-marks of Maximillian For Men Inc. in Canada and other countries and may not be copied, imitated or used, in whole or in part, without the prior written permission of Maximillian For Men or the applicable trademark holder.

User Content

By posting or distributing any comment, message, data, information (excluding any information that you submit to us in connection with employment opportunities, which we shall treat in accordance with our Privacy Policy), text, music, sound, photos, graphics, or other content (“User Content”) to the Web Site, you (a) grant to Maximillian For Men and its designees a nonexclusive, royalty-free, perpetual, transferable, irrevocable and sublicenseable right to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, translate, distribute, publish, create derivative works from, and publicly display and perform, the User Content throughout the world; (b) grant Maximillian For Men and its sublicensees the right to use the name that you submit in connection with such User Content, if they choose; and (c) represent and warrant that (i) you own and control all of the rights to the User Content that you post or otherwise distribute, or you otherwise have the lawful right to post and distribute such User Content to or through the Web Site; (ii) the User Content is accurate and not misleading; and (iii) use and posting or other transmission of such User Content does not violate these Terms of Use and will not violate any rights of or cause injury to any person or entity.

User Content submitted by users is deemed non-confidential, and we are under no obligation to treat such User Content as proprietary information. Without limiting the foregoing, we reserve the right to use the User Content as we deem appropriate, including, without limitation, deleting, editing, modifying, rejecting, or refusing to post it. We are under no obligation to offer you any payment for User Content or to attribute authorship of User Content to you. If, nonetheless, it is determined that you retain moral rights (including rights of attribution or integrity) in the User Content, you hereby agree that (a) you do not require that any personally identifying information be used in connection with the User Content, or any derivative works of, or upgrades or updates thereto; (b) you do not oppose to the publication, use, modification, deletion and exploitation of the User Content by Maximillian For Men or its agents; (c) you waive and will not claim or assert any entitlement to any moral rights of an author in any of the User Content; and (d) you release Maximillian For Men from any claims that you could otherwise assert against Maximillian For Men by virtue of any moral rights. Maximillian For Men takes no responsibility and assumes no liability for any User Content posted, stored or uploaded by you or any third party, or for any loss or damage thereto.

Prohibited or Unlawful Use

You represent and warrant that you will not use our Web Site and/or the Content for any purpose that is either unlawful or prohibited by any of these Web Site Terms of Use. You agree not to provide your personal profile sign-in information and password to any person and not to use our Web Site and/or the Content in any manner which could cause it to be disabled, damaged, overloaded, or impaired or interfere with any other person's use and enjoyment of our Web Site. You may not misrepresent your identity as a user or submit any false, misleading or untrue documentation or information to our Web Site. You agree not to send unsolicited or unauthorized advertising, solicitations, spam, junk mail or harvest or collect email addresses or other contact information of other users from the Web Site for the purposes of sending spam. You agree not to reserve engineer any aspect of the Web Site or use any robot, spider, crawler, scraper or other automated means or interface not provided by us to access the Web Site or to extract data. You agree not to “frame” the Web Site or otherwise make it look like you have a relationship to us or that we have endorsed you for any purpose. Maximillian For Men, in its sole and unfettered discretion, reserves the right, without prejudice to any rights or claims that we may have against you, to refuse service, terminate accounts, and/or cancel orders for any reason whatsoever, including, without limitation, if we believe that your use of our Web Site contravenes these Web Site Terms of Use, violates applicable law or is harmful to Maximillian For Men’s interests.

Disclaimer and Limitation of Liability


Certain laws do not allow limitations on implied warranties or conditions, or the exclusion or limitation of certain damages. If these laws apply, some or all of the above disclaimers, exclusions, or limitations, may not apply to you, and you may have additional rights to those contained herein.


You agree to forthwith defend, fully indemnify and hold Maximillian For Men, including its affiliates, subsidiaries, and their respective officers, directors, agents and employees, completely harmless from and against any and all loss, actions, claims, damages, costs and expenses, including reasonable legal fees and disbursements on a full indemnity basis, arising from or related to your use of the Web Site, including any Content on the Web Site, and your User Content. This provision shall survive the termination of this Agreement and remain in full force and effect.


Please review our practices set-out in our Privacy Policy Privacy Policy the terms of which are incorporated herein by reference, which also governs your use of this Web Site. Any personal information you submit to us in connection with your use of this Web Site will be used in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

Review of Transmissions

Maximillian For Men may, from time to time, monitor and review any information transmitted or received through our Web Site or its associated emails. Maximillian For Men reserves the right to censor, edit, remove or prohibit the transmission or receipt of any information that we, in our sole and unfettered discretion, deem inappropriate or in violation of the these Web Site Terms of Use. During monitoring, the information may be examined, recorded or copied, and your use of this Web Site constitutes your consent to such monitoring and review. We take no responsibility nor do we assume any liability for any content posted or submitted by you.

Purchases from the Maximillian For Men Online Store

If you are making a purchase from Maximillian For Men’s online store, you hereby confirm that you have read and understood the Maximillian For Men, Terms of Conditions for sale, the terms of which are incorporated herein by reference, and agree to abide by those terms.


This Web Site Terms of Use together with the agreements and policies referenced herein (the “Agreement”), represents the complete agreement between you and us in relation to the matters covered by this Agreement and supersedes all prior agreements and representations between you and us. If any provision of this Agreement is held to be unenforceable for any reason, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent necessary to make it enforceable and the other terms of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. The failure by Maximillian For Men to act with respect to a breach of this Agreement by you or others does not constitute a waiver and shall not limit our rights with respect to such breach or any subsequent breaches. We may assign our rights and obligations under this Agreement to any party at any time without notice to you. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Province of British Columbia and the laws of Canada applicable therein. Any action or proceeding arising out of or related to this Agreement or your use of this Web Site must be brought in the courts of the Province of British Columbia located in Victoria, British Columbia and you hereby irrevocably attorn to the jurisdiction of the courts in the Province of British Columbia for all such purposes.

Terms and Conditions of Sale

These Terms and Conditions of Sale are applicable to the Maximillian For Men Inc. online store (“Online Store”) at the www.maximillianformen.com and www. maximillianformen.com (the “Web Site”) and to orders and sale transactions for products available at the Online Store (“Product”). The Online Store is owned by and operated by Maximillian For Men Inc. and its affiliates ( “Maximillian For Men”, “We” or “Us”). With regards to your purchases of Products from the Online Store, you agree that all agreements, notices, disclosures and other communications that are provided electronically satisfy any legal requirement that such communications be in writing. These terms and conditions may change from time to time, and you agree to be bound by those terms and conditions in effect at you place an order at the Online Store. By placing an order for Products you agree to be bound by and accept these Terms and Conditions of Sale whether or not you have read them. If you do not agree to these Terms of Sale, please do not proceed with your order. Please print and retain a copy of these Terms of Sale for your records. Orders may only be placed by Canadian residents having a Canadian mailing address and we only ship Products to municipal street addresses in Canada.


Orders from the Online Store

Ordering Process

To be able to buy Products from the Online Store you must provide a delivery address in Canada. Certain addresses will be ineligible for Product purchases and deliveries including PO Box addresses and freight forwarders. You will be required to provide your name and address, phone number, email address, payment details and other required information. You are required to be the holder of a valid credit card or have a valid PayPal or Apple Pay account. You must be at least 18 years of age to purchase Product from the Online Store. You may, but are not required to, create a personal profile pursuant to which you may bring up your billing and shipping address for future orders from the Online Store. You agree not to provide your personal profile sign-in information and password to any person and not to use our Web Site in any manner which could cause it to be disabled, damaged, overloaded, or impaired or interfere with any other person's use and enjoyment of our Web Site. You may not misrepresent your identity as a user. When placing your order please ensure that the Products you purchase are compatible for the intended use. Please use the information provided in the Online Store as reference when checking compatibility, however, we make no representation or warranty as to the appropriateness or compatibility of any Product with any particular use. While Maximillian For Men takes great care to ensure its advertising is accurate, errors or inaccuracies may occur. Maximillian For Men reserves the right to correct errors or inaccuracies and change or update information on the Online Store at any time without notice, including in respect of prices, product descriptions, promotions and availability of items. To the extent permitted by applicable law, Maximillian For Men also reserves the right to cancel or reject orders based on incorrect pricing or availability information.


By clicking on the icon confirming your purchase at the end of the check out process, you agree to pay Maximillian For Men the amount shown, subject to adjustment as described herein (the “Purchase Price”). The Product Purchase Price is quoted in Canadian dollars plus additional shipping and handling fees and an estimate of all applicable taxes. Your selected method of payment will be charged for purchase price plus shipping charges and applicable taxes in Canadian dollars. In the event that a Product is listed at an incorrect price due to an error in pricing, Maximillian For Men has the right, in our sole discretion, to reject or cancel any orders placed for that Product and will notify you of such cancellation. Note that Products in your Shopping Bag reflect the current price displayed on the Product’s details page. Please note that this price may differ from the price displayed when the Product was first placed in your Shopping Bag.

Acceptance, Rejection or Cancellation of Orders

You agree that your submission of an order on the Online Store is an offer to buy the Products listed in your order under these Terms and Conditions of Sale. All orders must be accepted by Maximillian For Men. We may choose not to accept any orders including those that Maximillian For Men suspects are not placed in good faith or contravene applicable law. Once your order is received and we accept your order, we will send you an order confirmation via email with your order number and details of the items you have ordered. Acceptance of your order and the formation of the contract of sale between you and us will not take place unless and until you have received an order confirmation email from us. We reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to cancel any order prior to shipping and whether before or after acceptance of your order. Upon such a cancellation we will send a cancellation notice to the email provided by you. If cancelled, we will have no obligation to fulfill your order and you will have no obligation to pay us for the order. Upon shipping of the Product, you will be charged the amount set out in your order confirmation email. We will not ship the Product to you until your card issuer has authorized the use of your card for payment of the ordered Products. As your order confirmation email is your proof of purchase, you should save and print that document for your potential future use. We retain full legal title to Products until we have received all amounts due on the ordered Products. If we are unable to deliver the Product ordered after our delivery service has notified you that we have tried to deliver the ordered items to you, or if you have provided us with an incorrect delivery address which results in an unsuccessful delivery, the delivery package will be returned to us. If the items remain undelivered and are returned to us undelivered, you agree that we shall assume that you have exercised your right to cancel the contract and, upon our receiving the returned Product we will refund you less the handling and shipping fee and reasonable additional costs incurred by Maximillian For Men.

Availability and Description of Products

Maximillian For Men does not guarantee the availability of any Product in the Online Store. We reserve the right, without liability or earlier notice, to change, discontinue or stop making any Product whether before or after acceptance of any order. Note that in certain cases some Products may be unavailable even if the Web Site indicates that they are in-stock and adding a Product to your cart does not guarantee the availability of that Product. Maximillian For Men may change prices listed on the Web Site at any time without notice. Price increases will apply to orders placed after such changes. Prices for the Products listed on the Web Site do not include any applicable taxes, shipping and handling fees. During the check-out process, applicable charges, taxes, shipping and handling fees will be added to the amount to be charged to you. Please note that while we have tried to accurately display the colors of products, the actual colors you see will depend on your monitor and may not be accurate.

Limited Quantities and No Sales to Resellers

Maximillian For Men reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to limit the quantity of Products purchased on any basis it may determine, from time to time, which may include per person, per household, per credit card or per order. These restrictions may be applicable to orders placed by the same account, the same credit card, and also to orders that use the same billing and/or shipping address. We will attempt to notify you of such cancellation or rejection should such limits be applied. We reserve the right to limit or prohibit orders that, in our sole judgment, appear to be placed by dealers, resellers or distributors or for any reselling. The Online Store is for purchases by Canadian-based end users of our Products and not for sale to dealers, resellers or distributors or for commercial purposes. For purposes of these Terms of Sale, reselling is defined as purchasing or intending to purchase any Product(s) from the Maximillian For Men Online Store for the purpose of engaging in a commercial sale of that same Product(s) to a third party or for subsequent sale and shipment outside of Canada or the United States.

Return Policy

We will accept the return of unwashed, unworn, or defective merchandise with original tags and including all accessories, user manuals and any free gifts that came in the same package purchased from the Web Site provided that you follow our return instructions. In addition to the foregoing, returns for footwear must also include the full set of shoes (including both laces), dust bags and physical case. Using the original receipt you may return Product(s) for a full refund, in the original form of payment, within 30 days of the date your order was shipped. Any shipping fees on the original order are final and will not be refunded.

Return Instructions:

  1. Complete the return information located on the packing slip.

  2. Call us at 604-278-3088. We will ask you a few questions about your return and then confirm your return.

  3. Pack up the merchandise and head to your local postal office and ship back to our store. Please make sure that the box is scanned to ensure it can be tracked during transit. Maximillian For Men cannot track and will not guarantee delivery of any items that were left in a self-service drop box.

  4. The package containing the Product(s) you’re returning must be postmarked within 30 days of the date your order was shipped.

  5. Allow at least 5-7 days to process your return once the package is received at our facilities. During holiday periods please allow for more time.

Our operators are available at 1-888-276-6297 between Monday and Friday 9am-5pm EST. If you fail to comply with the terms and conditions relating to returning a Product, we reserve the right either to reject your return and decline to refund or to deduct from those payments to be refunded to you reasonable repair or other similar direct costs that we have incurred.


Maximillian For Men Products purchased from the Online Store or authorized dealers are fully warranted to the original owner against defects in material and workmanship beginning at the time of sale and for the “Lifetime of the Product” (the “Warranty”). Therefore, if a Maximillian For Men Product purchased from our Online Store or an authorized dealer ever fails within its lifetime, due to manufacturing defects or workmanship, Maximillian For Men will, at its option, repair or replace the Product without charge. The Warranty does not extend to damage caused by improper care, accidents, normal wear and tear or negligence. The Maximillian For Men Warranty is voided if you remove any labels or if the Product has been tailored or altered in any way. For purposes of this Warranty, “Lifetime of the Product” means the usual and customary wearable life of the Product by the original owner. Maximillian For Men may, at its option, choose to offer to repair damage not covered by the Warranty at Maximillian For Men’s usual charge for repairs. If such an offer is made by Maximillian For Men, we will evaluate and communicate such offer to the customer on inspection by Maximillian For Men prior to any repairs being made. For questions on warranty claims, please contact our store.

Personal Data

Our Privacy Policy and additional provisions in these Terms and Conditions of Sale govern the use of personal information that we may collect, use or disclose. Purchasing of goods in the Online Store requires that you accept Maximillian For Men’s Privacy Policy and consent to the collection, use and disclosure of personal information as described in our Privacy Policy.


We attempt to be as accurate as possible and eliminate errors on the Web Site; however, we do not warrant that any Product, service, description, photograph, pricing or other information is accurate, complete, reliable, current or error-free. In the event of an error, whether on the Web Site, in an order confirmation, in processing an order, delivering a Product or service or otherwise, we reserve the right to correct such error and revise your order accordingly if necessary (including charging the correct price) or to cancel the order and refund any amount charged. Your sole remedy in the event of such error is to cancel your order and obtain a refund.

These Terms and Conditions of Sale set out the full extent of Maximillian For Men’s obligations and liabilities in respect of the Products. To the extent permitted by applicable law, there are no other warranties, conditions or other terms that are binding on us save for the ones expressly described in these Terms and Conditions of Sale. In particular, we will not be responsible for ensuring that the Products are suitable for your purposes. In no event will we be liable, whether based on warranty, contract, tort, negligence, strict liability or any other legal theory whatsoever, for any damages of any kind (including, without limitation, direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, special, exemplary, punitive damages, loss of profits, loss of use, loss of data, personal injury, fines, fees, penalties or other liabilities), whether or not we are advised of the possibility of such damages, resulting from the use of, or the inability to make use of, the Products, the Web Site or the articles, materials, product information, data and other information set out on the Web Site (the “Content”).

Certain laws do not allow limitations on implied warranties or conditions, or the exclusion or limitation of certain damages. If these laws apply, some or all of the above disclaimers, exclusions, or limitations, may not apply to you, and you may have additional rights to those contained herein.

Web Site Terms of Use and Privacy Policy

You hereby confirm that you have read and understood Maximillian For Men’s Web Site Terms of Use and Privacy Policy the terms of which are incorporated herein by reference, and you agree to abide by those terms.


These Terms and Conditions of Sale (this “Agreement”) and the Web Site Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy represent the complete agreement between the parties in relation to the purchase of the Products and supersede all prior agreements and representations between the parties. If any provision of this Agreement is held to be unenforceable for any reason, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent necessary to make it enforceable and the other terms of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. The failure of Maximillian For Men to act with respect to a breach of this Agreement by you or others does not constitute a waiver and shall not limit our rights with respect to such breach or any subsequent breaches. We may assign our rights and obligations under this Agreement to any party at any time without notice to you. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Province of British Columbia and the laws of Canada applicable therein. Any action or proceeding arising out of or related to this Agreement or your use of this Web Site must be brought in the courts of the Province of British Columbia located in Victoria, British Columbia and you hereby irrevocably attorn to the jurisdiction of the courts of the Province of British Columbia for all such purposes.

Privacy Policy

Effective Date: February 5, 2022


The following is the privacy policy (the “Privacy Policy”) of Maximillian For Men Inc. and its affiliates (“Maximillian For Men”, “we” or “us”). Maximillian For Men recognizes the importance of your right to privacy and we are committed to safeguarding your personal information.

Categories of Information We Collect

“Personal Information” means any information about an identifiable individual by which you can be identified or contacted. The types of Personal Information we collect include: your name, mailing address, telephone or mobile number, birth date, payment card numbers, language preference, resume information, including your employment history and educational qualifications (if you submit employment applications), purchase/return/exchange information and e-mail address.

Identifying Purposes for Collection of Personal Information

Maximillian For Men collects, uses and discloses Personal Information in order to provide you with goods and services and/or information on products and services you might be interested in. We also collect, use and disclose your Personal Information to comply with legal and regulatory requirements and as otherwise may be permitted or required by applicable laws. Maximillian For Men collects Personal Information for the following purposes:

  • To identify and contact you when you request that products be sent to you or others, make purchases or returns with us, or place an order with us.

  • To fulfill orders, process payments and ship products purchased by you.

  • To establish and maintain commercial relations with you.

  • To provide you with ongoing service and product offers.

  • If you submit your resume in connection with an employment application, to review and consider the information that you submitted in connection with your possible employment by Maximillian For Men and otherwise in connection with the hiring process;

  • To respond to your inquiries.

  • To provide you with information about our products and warranty claims.

  • To support Maximillian For Men’s core business functions such as internal business processes, reporting, marketing and advertising.

  • To notify you of product recalls or safety issues.

  • To process and respond to your application for current or future career opportunities.

  • To meet legal and regulatory requirements.

Maximillian For Men’s Privacy Policy will apply to all Personal Information collected, used or disclosed by Maximillian For Men when an individual:

  • Makes an inquiry by telephone, by email or through our website.

  • Registers or provides information by email or through the internet.

  • Makes a purchase from Maximillian For Men’s Online Store.

  • Completes a customer profile or creates an account on the Online Store.

  • Applies for employment positions featured on our Site;

  • Issues a complaint regarding a Maximillian For Men product or service.

  • Makes a claim under Maximillian For Men’s warranty program.

  • Requests information or assistance from Maximillian For Men.

  • Participates or responds to consumer survey or requests for opinions, concerns, and preferences regarding Maximillian For Men’s products and services.

  • Participating in contests, sweepstakes and other promotions.

  • Using other features of the Maximillian For Men Web Site that may be offered from time to time.

Limiting Collection of Personal Information

Maximillian For Men limits the collection of Personal Information to that which is necessary for the identified purposes in this Privacy Policy and will collect, use and disclose this information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

Use and Disclosure of Your Personal Information

Personal Information will not be used without your consent for purposes other than those for which it was collected or in accordance with applicable laws. From time to time, we may wish to use your Personal Information for new or additional purposes. We will obtain your consent to use your Personal Information for such new or additional purposes before doing so. We may also use and disclose your Personal Information to other third parties under the following limited circumstances:

  • with service providers or suppliers that help with our business operations, our Web Site or Online Store, including those service providers and suppliers that help us market our products and services, provide analytics, process payments, administer programs, operations, fulfill requests, surveys, contests, sweepstakes, or product reviews; or

  • with your consent; or

  • when necessary to protect the safety, property, or other rights of Maximillian For Men, our customers or employees, to detect and prevent fraud; or

  • when otherwise required or permitted by law.

From time to time, we may decide to sell or transfer all or part of our business to a related company or to a third party, to merge with another entity, to insure or securitize our assets, or to engage in another form of corporate or financing transaction (including transfers made as part of insolvency or bankruptcy proceedings or as part of a corporate reorganization or stock sale or other change in corporate control). In addition, the manner in which products, services, programs, contests, promotions and events are provided to you, and the organization providing those products, services, programs, contests, promotions or events, may also change. Where your Personal Information is required in connection with any such transactions, we may use and disclose such Personal Information and will require that the parties involved, including affiliates and advisors agree to protect your Personal Information with policies meeting standards equivalent to those set out in the Privacy Policy both during and after completion of the transaction.

Additionally, any suppliers or service providers that have access to Personal Information are chosen carefully by us and are required to have privacy and security standards that meet our requirements. We uses contracts and other measures with our service providers and suppliers to maintain the confidentiality and security of users’ Personal Information and to prevent Personal Information from being used for any other purpose, including for any advertising or other commercial purposes. However, you should know that service providers and suppliers performing services on our behalf may store, transfer and process Personal Information on servers located outside of Canada, in jurisdictions (including the United States) whose data protection laws differ from those of Canada. As a result, Personal Information may be subject to access requests from governments, courts, or law enforcement in those jurisdictions according to laws in those jurisdictions. For example, information may be shared in response to valid demands or requests from government authorities, courts and law enforcement officials in those countries. Subject to applicable laws in such other jurisdictions, we will use reasonable efforts to ensure that appropriate protections are in place to require our service providers and suppliers to maintain protections on Personal Information that are equivalent to those that apply in Canada.


This Privacy Policy does not impose any limits on the collection, use or disclosure of the following information by Maximillian For Men:

  • with information that is publicly available, such as a customer’s name, address and telephone number when listed in a directory or made available through directory assistance;

  • name, title or business address or telephone number of an employee of an organization;

  • non-personal information, which is information that does not identify you; or

  • other information about a customer or an employee that is publicly available and is set out in Regulations made pursuant to the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (Canada).

Placing an Order on the Maximillian For Men Online Store

If you place for a product with our Online Store, we request the information reasonably needed by us to complete the processing of your orders and billing. When we collect payment information directly from you, like credit card numbers and expiration dates, we transmit this data directly from you to the credit card processing company and it is not stored by Maximillian For Men. We also share our users' Personal Information with outside shipping companies and credit card processing companies in order to bill and ship your order, but we do not provide any more information than reasonably necessary for these purposes. We may also use the information to contact you regarding your order and to provide you with ongoing services and offers which may be of interest to you.

Cookies, Web Beacons, Tags and Other Similar Technologies

As you interact with our website, we may use automatic data collection technology and services to record and collect information that identifies your computer, tracks your use of our website and collects certain information about you and your surfing habits. This information may include information that identifies your device, IP address, browser type and language, referring and exit pages and URLs, keywords, date and time, what sections of a website you visit, and other similar information concerning your use. This information is used for fulfilling contracts with our business partners, and to help us serve you better by improving our website design, as well as our products, services, and promotions.

Our website uses “cookie,” “web beacon,” “tag” and other similar technologies. A cookie is a small data file that is placed on the hard drive of your computer so that your computer will “remember” information when you visit a website. Web beacons and tags are small strings of code that are used in conjunction with a cookie and that allow us to record activity on our website. A web beacon allows us to capture certain additional types of information about a visitor's actions on a website, such as a visitor's cookie number, the time, date, duration and number of page views, a description of the page where the web beacon is placed, and details about any items that were purchased.

You can reject or disable cookies by managing your browser settings and following the directions provided in your Internet provider’s “help” file. If you turn off cookies, you may still visit the website, but you may not be able to use some areas of the website.

Information obtained through cookies, web beacons and tags may be shared with or obtained by service providers on our behalf. If third parties provide such analytics services and software (see the section immediately below), the third parties may also receive the information collected and their use of such information is governed by their privacy policies.

Third-Party Advertising Partners

We use third-party service providers to serve advertisements on our behalf across the Internet. These advertising service providers may collect non-identifiable information about your visits to our website, and your interactions with our products and services. Such non-identifiable information does not include your name, address, email address or other Personal Information. Such providers may place and access their own cookies, tags, web beacons or similar technologies on your computer or device used to access the website to serve you ads or other content personalized to your interests. In addition to the information about your visits to our website, our service providers may also use the information about your visits to other websites to target advertisements for products and services available from Maximillian For Men.

As described above, you may be able to set your browser to refuse cookies. If you refuse cookies you may still receive online advertising, but it may be less personalized.

“Do Not Track” Signals

Unless your browser settings are configured to make your online activities and publicly available information about your online activities (such as traffic data) invisible to usage analytics tools, we do not presently have the capability to omit you from usage analytics to the extent your browser only sends us a “do not track” signals or message and does not otherwise screen you from tracking without any action on our part.

Third parties, other than our vendors (such as our website analytics provider), do not have authorization from us to track which websites you visited prior and after visiting our website. That said, we cannot control third party tracking and there may be some third party tracking over time and across third-party websites that occurs without our knowledge or consent.

Third Party Links

Our website may contain links to other websites which are not under the control of Maximillian For Men. We are not responsible for the privacy practices or content of such other websites. We encourage our users to be aware when they leave our website and to read the privacy statements of each website to which we may link that may collect personal information.

Information Received from Third Parties

We may receive information about you (including Personal Information) from third parties. For example, if you are on another website and you opt-in to receive information from Maximillian For Men, that website will forward to us your email address and other information about you so that we may contact you as requested. You may also choose to participate in a third party application or feature (such as one of our pages on Facebook or another social platform or website) through which you allow us to collect (or the third party to share) information about you, including Personal Information.


We maintain technical, physical and administrative security safeguards to protect your Personal Information against loss, theft, and unauthorized access. Any Personal Information you provide to us is exchanged on a secure server. Unfortunately, no data transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed to be 100% secure. As a result, while we are committed to protecting your Personal Information, we cannot ensure or warrant the security of any information you provide to us.

Accessing and Accuracy of your Personal Information

If you have registered for an account online, you may access certain categories of Personal Information by logging into your account. You may also request access to your Personal Information which we may hold by contacting our Maximillian For Men Privacy Officer at the contact information set forth below, and we will respond within the time periods provided for under applicable laws. We will need to verify your identity before providing you with the Personal Information we hold about you. There is no cost for such access request unless you require copies of records. We may not be able to provide you with access to your Personal Information if the information cannot be separated from the Personal Information of others, cannot be disclosed for reasons of security or commercial confidentiality, or is protected by legal privilege. If we cannot provide you with access to your Personal Information, we will advise you of the reasons access is being denied, unless we are prohibited by law from doing so.

You may request to update and change your Personal Information by e-mail or writing to the Maximillian For Men Privacy Officer at the contact information set forth below. We shall endeavor to correct or complete any Personal Information which you advise us is inaccurate or incomplete. If you have an account with our Online Store, you can log in and update your account information, including contact, billing and shipping information.

E-mail Communications

Maximillian For Men complies with Canada’s anti-spam legislation (CASL) and we will not send you electronic communications in contravention of this law. Our Online Store allows you to sign up and expressly consent to receiving electronic communications. We will ensure that each e-mail includes an opt-out feature and instructions on how to un-subscribe if you no longer wish to receive future e-mails from us. You may also contact us at info@maximillianformen.com to stop receiving them or can unsubscribe using the link included in the e-mail or by telephoning us at 1-604-278-3088. If you do not expressly consent to receiving electronic communications, we will only communicate with you during the time period and for the limited purposes permitted under CASL.

If you do not wish to receive promotional mail, phone calls or emails, contact us at info@maximillianformen.com  or 1-604-278-3088 to opt out. You also have the ability to unsubscribe to promotional e-mails via the opt-out link included in each promotional e-mail.

Children’s Privacy

Our website is not intended for use by children under the age of 13, and we do not knowingly collect Personal Information from such children through our website. If you are under 13, please do not give us any Personal Information. If we learn that we have collected the Personal Information of such a child we will take steps to delete the information as soon as possible.

Notice to Residents Outside of Canada

Maximillian For Men is headquartered in Canada and our website is operated in Canada and the United States. Personal Information may be accessed by us or transferred to us in Canada or to our affiliates, business partners, or service providers elsewhere in the world. If you are located outside of Canada, please be advised that any information you provide to us will be transferred to and stored in Canada and that, by submitting information to us, you explicitly authorize its transfer and storage within Canada. We will protect the privacy and security of Personal Information according to this Privacy Policy regardless of where it is processed or stored.

Your California Privacy Rights

Pursuant to Section 1798.83 of the California Civil Code (known as the “Shine the Light Law”), residents of California have the right to request from a business, with whom the California resident has an established business relationship, what types of personal information the business shares with third parties for direct marketing purposes by such third party and the identities of the third parties with whom the business has shared such information in the immediately preceding calendar year. To access this information, write to Maximillian For Men at email info@maximillianformen.com 

Maximillian For Men will endeavor to respond to such requests within a reasonable time by providing a report that includes the information required by applicable law. Please be advised that Maximillian For Men is not required to respond to requests from any individual resident under the Shine the Light Law more frequently than once per calendar year.


By submitting Personal Information to Maximillian For Men or its service providers and agents, you agree that Maximillian For Men may collect your Personal Information and you consent to the collection, use, disclosure and transfer of your Personal Information in accordance with this Privacy Policy and as permitted by applicable law.

Subject to legal and contractual requirements, you may refuse or withdraw your consent to certain of the purposes identified herein at any time by contacting Maximillian For Men at 1-604-278-3088. If you refuse or withdraw your consent, you acknowledge that Maximillian For Men may not be able to provide you or continue to provide you with certain services or information which may be of value to you.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

Maximillian For Men reserves the right, in its discretion, to change, modify, add or remove portions of this Privacy Policy at any time and from time to time, without prior notice to you. Such changes, modifications, additions, or deletions shall be effective immediately upon posting unless otherwise indicated. However, we will treat your continued use of our Maximillian For Men Web Site following such revision as your acceptance of the revised Privacy Policy. If you do not consent to our privacy practices as described in the revised version of the Privacy Policy, please do not use the website in any manner, and we will continue to treat previously collected information in accordance with the privacy practices described in the applicable, prior version of this Privacy Policy or as otherwise required by applicable law.

How to Contact Us - Maximillian For Men Privacy Officer

We welcome your feedback. To request a correction or to review your personal Personal Information, withdraw your consent to the use of your Personal Information, correct or update your Personal Information or wish to ask questions about privacy at Maximillian For Men at info@maximillianformen.com.